Neurofeedback and biofeedback are treatments used from the age of 7 for AD(H)S, tic disorders, psychosomatic complaints, depression, anxiety disorders, eating disorders and increased stress. At the Children’s Psychology Centre, neurofeedback and biofeedback are often offered in combination with established psychological treatment programmes.
In neurofeedback, EEG waves are recorded using a neurofeedback device under the guidance of a psychologist and made visible to the child on a screen. With various exercises, the children and adolescents can then learn to influence and train the activity of the brain waves.
In biofeedback, the changes in various unconscious body functions (e.g. pulse rate, muscle tone, breathing, etc.) are made visible on a screen by the biofeedback device under the guidance of a psychologist. In this way, the children and young people learn how their bodily processes change as a result of thoughts, emotions, relaxation or stress. With various exercises, they train to consciously influence these bodily processes and to use them for their health.
We currently offer neurofeedback and biofeedback for the following problems:
- AD(H)S
- Emotional problems (depression, aggression)
- Anxiety disorders
- Eating disorders
- Tic disorders
- Sleep disorders
- Tension headaches/ migraines
- Stress
- Relaxation training
Download: Folder-Neuro-Biofeedback (pdf)
Costs & Dates:
50€ per session (45 minutes + 15 minutes debriefing)
25€ initial consultation (if a diagnosis has already been made at the Child Psychology Centre, the initial consultation is free of charge).
For questions about this offer and to make an appointment, our registration desk is open from
Monday to Friday from 9 am to 1 pm (0660/6683684).